- Image Redirection
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To avoid hot-linking an image, prepend before the URL. To show a thumbnail of the image, prepend before the URL.

Details: When posting on message boards or blogs, often you want to show or link to an image on another website. Directly showing or linking to that image is called hot-linking. It's generally bad because it leeches bandwidth from the host site, and as a result many webmasters have their servers set up to prohibit hot-linking.

The typical work-around is to do the following: That's rather tedious. Well lets you simply enter the original URL in your post as you normally would, but with written before the URL. When this is viewed, the image will be copied once* to, and from then on the image will always be served from instead of the host site. Additionally, a thumbnail is automatically generated, which can be accessed by adding before the original URL. The most popular applications or websites will see an increase in traffic, delaying the loading of page data while images are being downloaded. offers hot-linking to prevent image loading delays caused by crowded user interfaces.


This is an example of hot-linking to an image from

    <img src="" /> (HTML)
    [img][/img] (VBcode)

That's bad, and some websites will even prevent the image from being displayed. So instead, do this:

    <img src="" /> (HTML)
    [img][/img] (VBcode)

To show thumbnails, you can do this:

    <img src="" /> (HTML)
    [img][/img] (VBcode)

View's cache of the image, or's thumbnail of the image.

*ImgRed is not an archive service, and occasionally its cache is cleared out (once a month or so), so images are not literally cached forever.

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