source code (PHP using MySQL, some parts edited)
Save the below code to a PHP file called ImgRed.php (for example).
Full-sized images will be accessed as ImgRed.php?Image=
Thumbnails will be accessed as ImgRed.php?Thumb=
You will need to create a MySQL table called 'Cached' with five columns:
- INT 'ID' auto_increment
- VARCHAR 'Filename'
- INT 'NumViews'
- INT 'NumThumbViews'
You will also need
these graphics (or your own substitutions).
Replace all sections in
red with the correct data for your setup.
function GetMIMEType ( $File )
$File = escapeshellarg( $File );
return exec('file -bi ' . $File);
function SQLConnect ( &$SQL )
$SQL = @mysql_connect( 'DATABASE SERVER',
or die( 'Error connecting to database.' );
mysql_select_db( 'DATABASE NAME', $SQL );
// IMAGE_PATH is the folder where all cached images should be stored.
// For example, 'cached_images/'
// Note: it must end in a slash (/)
$New = true;
if( $_GET['Image'] )
$Source = 'Image';
else if( $_GET['Thumb'] )
$Source = 'Thumb';
$URL = $_GET[$Source];
if( $URL )
$Array = explode('/', $URL);
if( strpos($Array[2], ':') !== false )
// A port was specified, so show NoPort.gif instead
$Filename = 'gfx/NoPort.gif';
$Name = 'NoPort.gif';
$New = false;
if( $New )
SQLConnect( $SQL );
$Results = @mysql_query( 'SELECT ID,Filename FROM Cached WHERE URL=\'' . addslashes($URL) . '\' LIMIT 1', $SQL );
if( $Results )
$Row = @mysql_fetch_array( $Results );
if( $Row )
$ID = $Row[0];
$Name = $Source . '_' . $Row[1];
$Filename = $IMAGE_PATH . $Name;
if( !file_exists($Filename) && $Source == 'Thumb' )
// The thumbnail was requested but it doesn't exist; the image must have been too small for one.
$Name = 'Image_' . $Row[1];
$Filename = $IMAGE_PATH . $Name;
if( file_exists($Filename) )
$New = false;
if( $Source == 'Image' )
mysql_query( 'UPDATE Cached SET NumViews=NumViews+1 WHERE ID=' . $ID . ' LIMIT 1', $SQL );
mysql_query( 'UPDATE Cached SET NumThumbViews=NumThumbViews+1 WHERE ID=' . $ID . ' LIMIT 1', $SQL );
if( $New )
$Contents = @file_get_contents($URL);
if( !$Contents )
// We can't load the image for some reason
$Filename = 'gfx/CannotRead.gif';
$Name = 'CannotRead.gif';
$New = false;
if( $New )
$Size = strlen($Contents);
if( $Size > 2097152 )
// The image is greater than two megabytes
$Filename = 'gfx/TooLarge.gif';
$Name = 'TooLarge.gif';
$New = false;
if( $New )
$Filename = tempnam( $IMAGE_PATH, 'Image_' );
$File = fopen( $Filename, 'wb' );
fwrite( $File, $Contents );
fclose( $File );
$Name = substr($Filename, 6 + strlen($IMAGE_PATH));
$TName = $IMAGE_PATH . 'Thumb_' . $Name;
$MIME = GetMIMEType($Filename);
if( $MIME == 'image/gif' )
$Image = ImageCreateFromGIF( $Filename );
else if( $MIME == 'image/png' )
$Image = ImageCreateFromPNG( $Filename );
else if( $MIME == 'image/jpeg' )
$Image = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $Filename );
// The file is not a PNG, GIF, or JPEG
unlink( $Filename );
$Filename = 'gfx/BadFormat.gif';
$Name = 'BadFormat.gif';
$New = false;
if( $New )
$Dimensions = GetImageSize( $Filename );
$W = $Dimensions[0];
$H = $Dimensions[1];
if( $W > 320 && $H > 320 )
// The image is large enough to warrant a thumbnail
if( $W > $H )
$TW = 320;
$TH = (int)($H * 320 / $W);
$TW = (int)($W * 320 / $H);
$TH = 320;
$Thumb = ImageCreateTrueColor( $TW, $TH );
ImageCopyResampled( $Thumb, $Image,
0, 0,
0, 0,
$TW, $TH,
$W, $H );
if( $MIME == 'image/gif' || $MIME == 'image/png' )
ImagePNG( $Thumb, $TName );
ImageJPEG( $Thumb, $TName, 75 );
ImageDestroy( $Thumb );
else if( $Source == 'Thumb' )
$Source = 'Image';
if( ImageIsTrueColor($Image) && $W >= 480 && $H >= 480 )
// I put a tiny watermark on the bottom-right corner of large images.
$Watermark = ImageCreateFromPNG( 'gfx/Watermark.png' );
for( $Y = 0; $Y < 24; $Y ++ )
for( $X = 0; $X < 96; $X ++ )
$Color = ImageColorAt( $Watermark, $X, $Y );
$A_S = ($Color >> 24) / 127;
$R_S = ($Color >> 16) & 0xFF;
$G_S = ($Color >> 8) & 0xFF;
$B_S = $Color & 0xFF;
$Color = ImageColorAt( $Image, $X + $W - 96, $Y + $H - 24 );
$R_D = ($Color >> 16) & 0xFF;
$G_D = ($Color >> 8) & 0xFF;
$B_D = $Color & 0xFF;
$R = (int)($A_S * $R_D) + (int)((1 - $A_S) * $R_S);
$G = (int)($A_S * $G_D) + (int)((1 - $A_S) * $G_S);
$B = (int)($A_S * $B_D) + (int)((1 - $A_S) * $B_S);
$Color = ImageColorAllocate( $Image, $R, $G, $B );
ImageSetPixel( $Image, $X + $W - 96, $Y + $H - 24, $Color );
ImageDestroy( $Watermark );
if( $MIME == 'image/gif' )
ImageGIF( $Image, $Filename );
else if( $MIME == 'image/png' )
ImagePNG( $Image, $Filename );
ImageJPEG( $Image, $Filename, 75 );
ImageDestroy( $Image );
// Add an entry for this image into our database
if( $Source == 'Image' )
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO Cached VALUES ( 0, \'' . addslashes($URL) . '\', \'' . $Name . '\', 1, 0 )', $SQL );
mysql_query( 'INSERT INTO Cached VALUES ( 0, \'' . addslashes($URL) . '\', \'' . $Name . '\', 0, 1 )', $SQL );
$Name = $Source . '_' . $Name;
$Filename = $IMAGE_PATH . $Name;
if( $SQL )
mysql_close( $SQL );
$Size = filesize($Filename);
$MIME = GetMIMEType($Filename);
$Time = filemtime($Filename);
// Send the appropriate headers for the image
header( 'Content-Length: ' . $Size );
header( 'Content-Type: ' . $MIME );
header( 'Date: ' . date('r') );
header( 'Expires: ' . date('r', time() + (365*86400)) );
header( 'Last-Modified: ' . date('r', $Time) );
header( 'Content-Disposition: inline; filename="' . $Name . '"' );
// Now send the image itself
readfile( $Filename );